FAQ and Knowledge base

Frequently asked questions

Where is Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka from?

Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka is from Amata Ituku in Awgu L.G.A of Enugu State. In the family of Ogbuefi Mbaka.

Where is Adoration Ministry Enugu Nigeria located?

Adoration Ministry is located in Umuchigbo Iji Nike, 400103, Enugu state Nigeria. This location is the Permanent site of the Adoration Ministry.

How do I Visit Adoration Ministry?

There are many routes to visit Adoration Ministry, depending on where you are coming from. If you are coming from Abakpa, you can board a vehicle at Liberty BusStop beside Peace park on all program days. And in Christ chemist roundabout if you are coming from Ogbete, market. In other places, you can easily find vehicles boarding people to Adoration ground, including in other states. Just look for credible people and ask them where you can get a vehicle to Adoration Ministry, or you may also use your Google map to get closer before asking people.

By what time do Sunday programs start in Adoration Ministry?

Sunday mass usually starts at 10:00 a.m. every Sunday.